Risk Retention Medical Liability Programs
An alternative that, through risk controls and underwriting ownership, has put the power of choice back in the physician’s hands and will manage your risk while you manage your practice, worry-free.
Your money. Your choice.
Medical Malpractice
Risk Retention Groups are a medical liability program designed for medical professionals that are interested in taking back control of their operating costs.
Our Mission
To empower physicians to control their medical malpractice insurance risk, to lower their premium rates over time and to share in investment and underwriting surpluses (profits).
MD Preferred Physicians Service. National Recognition for PIA. Click Here
What are Your Risk Transfer Options?
- Insurers, where you’ll overpay to support corporate overhead and profits, which you do not share in. Or, if you do get a dividend, it is not proportionate to full profits.
- Create your own standalone captives and RRGs, which involve high capitalization, high start-up costs and time and expense for ongoing management.
- One of our many RRG’s tailored to your specialty, which provides coverage based on the true cost of captives, in concert with asset and income protection programs, with low start-up and operating costs and low time commitment.
Which Risk Retention Alternative is Right for You?
At Palumbo Insurance Associates we work with a diverse group of established RRG’s that specialize in working with OB/GYN’s, Urologists, pediatricians, emergency medicine and a new multi-specialty RRG for all other specialties.
- Risk Retention Groups (RRGs)- Professional liability insurance organizations owned and governed by subscribers and run for their benefit- not for outside shareholders
- Physicians began turning to RRGs, authorized by the Liability Risk Retention Act (LRRA), in 2002 and they’ve grown dramatically since.
- Half of all RRG’s since 2008 were formed to provide medical malpractice insurance for physicians who sought their cost control and program stability benefits.
Why Are RRG Premiums Lower?
- Lower management and corporate overhead expense
- No profit component built into premiums
- Underwriting policy controlled by member physicians
- Proven Risk Management tools
- Arbitration/claims mitigation program/physician involvement
How to Join
- Simply click this link and fill out the eligibility questionnaire and provide loss history plus certificate of insurance and premium rates for current coverage. Questionnaire
- The company will underwrite and quote rates and coverage tailored to your risk characteristics
Click here for an in-depth list of frequently asked questions.
“Because of God’s grace and sending people like you our way, we are going to be able to grow and become prosperous. I was really afraid of what malpractice insurance would cost and thought it would be prohibitive to our growth. But I was elated when you came back with the rates you did for all the medical providers we have! We changed our medical malpractice insurance to Palumbo Insurance Associates from Medical Mutual (Maryland) & HPSO, and we saved significantly (about 30% per year). Tony Palumbo of PIA also has valuable experience and expertise in risk management affairs, which other healthcare facilities would find useful.”
Bruce Lewis
Total Urgent Care
To talk to a representative today call, 410.836.8591 and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.

RRG Advantages
- Maintain quality coverage at competitive pricing
- Accumulate wealth – Flexible programs for both physicians and physician groups
- Invest their retained value
- Protect their practice/reputation
- Fact: Ovr 80% of physicians never pay out loss dollars – Why continue to subsidize the other 20%
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Claims Information
National Practitioners Data Bank